Knowledge, expertise, methodology and a select team of professionals allow us to offer a wide scope of consulting and advisory services in banking related areas.
We focus of teamwork and client interaction throughout the whole process, from the data gathering and diagnosis phase until implementation and follow up, thus ensuring that the know-how is properly and effectively incorporated.
Each project is led by at least one of our main partners who will assign the required professionals based on the type and scope of the request. Our track record and market reputation enable us to attract high-level subject experts in each field.
Risk Management
- Credit Risk Process – review, design and implementation
- Credit Policy and credit approval delegation structures
- Integrated Risk Management
- Environmental and social risk assessments
- Basel regulation framework, implementation and reviews
- Market risk management
- Operational risk management
- Country risk management, scenario analysis and stress tests
Strategy planning and business development
- Small and medium companies, strategic considerations and special approach
- Asset based finance
- Credit structuring and product program lending
- Short / medium and long term financing
- Project Finance
- Foreign Trade, business and risk considerations
Risk control and compliance
- Anti-money laundering: policies and procedures. Risk matrixes.
- Risk inspections and business reviews.
- Internal controls and management reviews
- Corporate governance and regulatory framework
Credit portfolio management
- Development and implementation of early warning signals
- Remedial management. Credit restructuring and Problem Loan portfolio management
- Credit collection strategies
- Portfolio and business appraisals
- Mergers and acquisitions